CIA Films at the National Archives

The CIA, like many other government agencies, declassifies documents (including films) occassionally and relocates them to the National Archives. Freedom-of-Information-Act sleuth Michael Ravnitsky was able to obtain the list of CIA films currently in the Archives. It contains many, many titles with historical import such as Brainwashing, How Free Should the Press be?, Psychology of […]

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DC Independent Film Festival currently underway, March 2-12

“The DC Independent Film Festival showcases world premieres, award winning features, shorts, animation and documentaries by local, national and international filmmakers. “Founded in 1999, the DC Independent Film Festival showcases each year up to 100 features, shorts, animations, and documentaries that represent the best in independent film. These films include ones that have won awards […]

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World Cultures on video: Roma

Roma or Gypsies are among the most historically persecuted ethnic groups in Europe. Stereotyped as thieves and con men, Rom groups still find it difficult to peacefully exist in many towns, particularly in Eastern Europe. Yet there is much to admire in their fascinating culture. Their traditional music and dance can be simultaneously joyful and […]

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Obit: Gordon Parks, 93

Parks, a multi-talented artist, first gained recognition as a photographer for Life Magazine, often focussing on individuals dramatically affected by living in poverty. He also directed two films of historic interest. His first feature, The Learning Tree (VHS 4291), was based on his autobiography and was among the first 25 films selected for the National […]

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Masters of Cinema: Your guide to high-brow cinema on DVD

A group of five contributors with a predilection for serious world cinema sustain this highly-informative site. Bresson, Dreyer, Ozu, and Tarkovsky are among their favorites. Foremost it’s a blog of important and often esoteric DVD releases but it also hosts several good articles focussing primarily on topics related both to cinema and the DVD medium. […]

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The J Marimba Ponies

I couldn’t resist noting this guilty pleasure – my favorite piece of streaming video from the last couple of weeks. The Ponies perform the Sabre Dance. For those old enough to remember, this piece of music, composed by Aram Khachaturian, was used on the Ed Sullivan show to accompany spinning plate acts and more recently […]

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Suggested viewing: This Divided State – DVD 1678

When filmmaker Michael Moore is invited to speak at Utah Valley State College, local residents and conservative students pull out all the stops to try to pre-empt the engagement. Neither protests, threats, bribery, or a last-ditch speech by Fox News commentator Sean Hannity can sway the determined student government leaders though. Driven by their plain-spoken […]

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PBS Frontline Online

PBS currently has fifty-four complete Frontline programs freely-available for streaming on their website. The 2006 releases available include: The Insurgency, The Meth Epidemic, and Country Boys. Frontline World is considered a separate series and that too has many programs freely-available online – about seventy currently. 2006 releases include Columbia: The Coca-Cola Controversy, Brazil: Jewel of […]

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Media Services Forms Online

Did you know that you can submit a video purchase recommendation online? In fact, all media services paper forms now have electronic versions. They cover: Videotape Rental/Borrowing Requests, Media Purchase Recommendations, Media Reserves Materials Deposit Forms, Restrict media from outside use forms (for AU Faculty), Student Check Out Authorizations, and proxy

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