Person in a yellow rain jacket sits outside in a lightning storm looking at a TV that says "climate change documentaries you should watch."

Our Collection Picks for Climate Change Documentaries

1. An Inconvenient Truth (2006) An Inconvenient Truth is a film adaptation of former vice president Al Gore’s long-running educational campaign on climate change and global warming. Perhaps the most ever critically acclaimed feature film-length slideshow presentation, Gore discusses the history, science, and lack of public knowledge around global warming. Deemed by The New Yorker […]

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You can shoot amazing video with your smartphone

We’re always saying you don’t need the most complicated equipment to create great videos. Case in point, Apple hired Japanese director Takashi Miike to create a short film, using the new iPhone 15. Of course since it’s Miike, there’s a talking hand puppet that shoots to kill. Check out the results on Youtube. Your mileage […]

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Brown, reclined movie theater seats are set with luxurious plates of scrumptious food and drink

Introducing the Food Films Media Collection!

If you’re interested in finding a new favorite, mouthwatering film, then you’ve come to the right place! One of the many offerings AU Library Media Services has to provide is our extensive group of curated media collections. From recent acquisitions to African American cinema to war films, our collections showcase a wide scope of interesting […]

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