79th Academy Awards Documentary Short List is Out

It’s been a busy semester and the blog has been a little neglected but now that the winter break is approaching there will be more time for updates (I hope). Anyway here’s the shortlist of documentaries under consideration for Best Documentary. I’m unfamiliar with a majority of them.

“Can Mr. Smith Get to Washington Anymore?”
“Deliver Us from Evil”
“The Ground Truth”
“An Inconvenient Truth”
“Iraq in Fragments”
“Jesus Camp”
“Jonestown: The Life and Death of People’s Temple”
“My Country, My Country”
“Shut Up & Sing”
“Sisters in Law”
“Storm of Emotions”
“The Trials of Darryl Hunt”
“An Unreasonable Man”
“The War Tapes”


(Best Documentary Feature/PowerPoint Demonstration nominee An Inconvenient Truth)

The full list of Academy Award Nominees is now out.


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