A few years ago, a website called Dear Photograph popped up on which people matched up old photos they had taken with the current-day location. The differences were often exciting and resonated emotionally with readers. FILMography is a similar blog that follows the same premise – but with stills from movies. The author appears to […]
Continue readingMonthly Archives: September 2012
Two weekend screenings show the Middle East on film (and a bonus)
This weekend has no shortage of interesting film screenings to attend on campus and in the DC area. For starters, today is the second day of the United Arab Emirates Film Festival sponsored by the School of Communications. Two short films will screen tonight at the Greenberg Theater, followed by a panel discussion with the […]
Continue readingNew Media Center’s Beyond the Studio series begins
Tomorrow, the New Media Center begins its new series of special training sessions titled Beyond the Studio. Typical New Media Center training sessions cover how to use software such as Photoshop or After Effects; these sessions are designed to teach skills that you can’t pick up from a computer, like marketing and other practical skills. […]
Continue readingThe Criterion Collection, abridged
The Criterion Collection is an assemblage of some of the most significant films of all time, preserved in great quality with exceptional special features and commentary. Their collection is as prestigious as it is large; assuming each movie is about two hours long, it would take nearly two solid months to work through all of […]
Continue readingSeptember 11 in film and footage
Today marks the eleventh anniversary of the September 11 attacks. This is an appropriate and somber time to reflect on how we got here, what happened, and where we’re going. To that end, the Media Services collections include many films about the attacks, including a number of creative responses by filmmakers and footage from the […]
Continue readingNew Acquisitions – September 2012
This month, the Media Services collection goes in exciting new directions! We’ve added our first anime television shows, including the legendary Cowboy Bebop, as well as ten new popular Bollywood titles. We also acquired a number of big blockbusters, the first Iranian production to win Best Foreign Language Film, a collection of orphaned films in […]
Continue readingFilm screenings on- and off-campus this Friday
We’re heading into the second weekend of the semester. Hopefully the workload hasn’t piled up too much, because the weather is still pleasant enough for a few movie screenings. On campus tomorrow, the AU Student Government will show The Hunger Games in the Tavern at 10 PM. The Hunger Games will kick off Artemas Ward […]
Continue readingDC Shorts Film Festival opens tomorrow
For the second time in a week, two significant film festivals are kicking off. Perhaps the most significant is the Toronto International Film Festival, which opens tomorrow and will premiere a number of film on the radar for the upcoming award season. More interestingly for the audience of this blog, the DC Shorts Film Festival […]
Continue readingMichael Clarke Duncan dies at 54
Over the weekend, actor Michael Clarke Duncan died from complications following cardiac arrest. Duncan was a towering presence in film, and although he died at a shockingly young age and appeared in only a few big movies, his impact was powerful and is already missed by fans around the world. His performance in The Green […]
Continue readingControversial documentary re-ignites a political crisis
This past Tuesday, Israeli courts absolved the state of responsibility for the death of Rachel Corrie, an American peace activist who was killed during the demolition of Palestinian homes in Gaza. Tempers have flared around the case, alternately framing Rachel Corrie as either a victim of circumstance or a political casualty. In 2008, filmmaker Simone Bitton […]
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