The Art of the Title

Have you ever noticed the main titles and credits of movies and tv shows? Maybe you haven’t, but the folks over at The Art of thhe Title certainly have. They’d created a beautifully curated website devoted to the title sequences that open and close movies.

Billing itself as “the definitive resource for title sequence design, spanning the film, television, conference, and video game industries,” the site collects and analyzes title sequences, highlighting them as works of art within a film or tv show. Main title sequences can set the stage for a story, and add to the emotional journey of a film. Closing title sequences can summarize or encapsulate a movie of a tv episode, allowing viewers to process or further examine the story or the issues raised. The Art of the Title analyzes everything from Marvel’s Daredevil to Crazy, Rich Asians, Twin Peaks to the Rio Paralympic Games. You can spend hours reading their write-ups and interviews, and I guarantee you’ll enjoy every minute of it.

Posted in Resources.