We’re green-certified!

As we decompress from the end of the spring semester and gear up for summer sessions, we want to take a second to celebrate one of our little accomplishments. Last month, the AU Library Green Team held an internal green certification program for our service desks and employees. We’re very happy that the Media Services […]

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Create a Compelling Infographic

New courses on Lynda.com include Design an Infographic. An intensive two hour course on how to turn your data into an easily understandable infographic. Learn how to use Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, and Excel together to analyze and chart the data, plot locations on a map, and build a timeline that simply details a complex sequence […]

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Overrated movies: A statistical approach

When discussing film quality, people often resort to declaring popular movies overrated and defending their favorites as underrated gems. These are common defenses, especially in the face of critical drubbing or universal acclaim. And sometimes, that makes it hard to figure out if movies were ever actually beloved or hated to begin with. Intrigued by […]

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Music Library Sez: 20 Feet from Stardom

We have a lot of music-related films and documentaries in our collection. Our friends over at the Music Library love them too, and they occasionally write reviews for their favorites. In our first post in this series, Music Library part-timer Jesse writes about the recent Academy Award-winning documentary 20 Feet from Stardom (HU DVD 11199). […]

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We’re bored with special effects. Now what?

Comedian Nick Swardson has a terrific routine in which he makes fun of “jaded movie friends” who don’t appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into making impossible things happen on screen. “If you showed [Transformers] to people fifty years ago,” he jokes, “their brains would explode. Everybody would lose their minds.” When you hear stories about […]

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Director Michael Glawogger dies unexpectedly, leaves behind great works on globalization

In a bizarre turn of events, renowned Austrian documentarian Michael Glawogger suddenly died today of malaria while filming on location in Liberia. He died far too young and early into his career, but he leaves us with a number of quality films exploring hazardous products of globalization, from slum living to prostitution. It’s difficult to […]

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See Let’s Be Cops TONIGHT!

We’re a little last minute on this one, but if you’re looking for something to do this evening, consider seeing a new movie! We have advance passes to see Let’s Be Cops, an upcoming action-comedy starring some very funny people. The ensemble includes Jake Johnson from New Girl, Damon Wayans Jr. from Happy Endings, Rob […]

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