Have war films outlasted our actual wars? xkcd digs for an answer

Randall Munroe’s What If?, one of the most popular new books of the year, scientifically guesstimates the answers to absurd hypothetical questions. Usually these involve pushing the laws of physics to their breaking point, but once in a while, they just deal with situations of absurd, immeasurable scale. After spending a lazy afternoon browsing the […]

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San Diego Comic-Con begins! Celebrate with movies based on graphic novels

Every July, over 100,000 people descend on southern California for San Diego Comic-Con, the world’s biggest event for movies, comics, games, and all things nerdtacular. The convention has grown from its humble origins as a comic book show to a pop culture juggernaut, attracting everyone from small-time comic producers to the cast of The Hunger […]

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Hear Oliver Stone on JFK’s legacy TONIGHT!

Here’s last-minute announcement: Academy Award-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone will be on campus this evening with friend-of-Media-Services Prof. Peter Kuznick to screen an episode of their Showtime documentary series, The Untold History of the United States. The event is part of AU’s commemoration of John F. Kennedy’s landmark commencement address at AU in which he heralded […]

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It’s the Oscars!

The Oscars are tonight! After weeks of buildup, speculation, and the most use of the word “Argo” on record, the Academy will reveal the results of the most prestigious and contentious film awards ceremony at 8pm in the Dolby Theatre. We’re very excited in Media Services, if you couldn’t tell from our weeks of Academy […]

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Cozy up with some romantic films

Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and there’s no avoiding it if you’re in any center of commerce. If you’re one of those people who likes this annual, culturally mandated celebration of love and greeting cards, we’re got you covered. Our Pinterest page has a section for romantic films and […]

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Pinterest highlight: Horror movies

Time for some first-person editorializing for a second: I absolutely love Halloween. Sure, you have all your other seasonal holidays about togetherness, family, and patriotism, but Halloween celebrates fear. Can’t beat that. I only bring this up because patrons at Media Services seem to love Halloween too. We’re still two weeks out from the spookiest […]

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