In his second year with the Peace Corps, Geer Wilcox changes his approach to development volunteering. Rather than working directly with the students, he begins to work with the infrastructure of the school, hoping that developing infrastructure will last longer than work in the classroom. Listen to the podcast below to hear straight from the source his reasoning and to understand how the Dominican Republic changed him, in return.
Music in this audio production was written by Kevin MacLeod. The tracks used are “Notanico Merengue,” “Hackbeat,” and “Laid Back Guitars.” To play the podcast, click to the far left of the black media bar.
With this, the 2018-2019 “season” has come to an end. It has been an incredible experience to be the PCCA Fellow this year and to work with these collections and stories. I want to thank several people, without whom I would not have been able to fulfill this role. First, I want to thank Leslie Nellis. As my mentor, she taught me everything I know about archives, and as my friend, she made this office an incredible place to work throughout my master’s program. I am grateful to her interest in and support of making the most of my fellowship this year. It was with her help that I traveled to Morgantown, WV to present at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, by her suggestion that I curated exhibits for our hallway, and with her blessing that the blog has become as multi-media as it has. I would also like to thank Dan Kerr and Trevor Owens who taught me the research and project-oriented history methods I utilized this spring semester. Online exhibits and podcasts wouldn’t have been possible if it had not been for them. I am eternally grateful to the donors who shared their experiences with the PCCA and who allowed their materials and stories to be shared through our online media. Finally, I would like to thank you, dear readers, for coming with me all this way.