WONK TV Ad Stars AU Talent

American University, “All The Wonks Are Talking” from American University on Vimeo.

Some or all of the sound effects used in this ad came from Media Services’ sound effects collections.

You see her in a bus shelter, juggling a landline, cell, iPad, and digital camera — the Connected WONK. There he is in the metro station, clutching a pile of overflowing textbooks — the Academic WONK.

What has become the university’s iconic branding campaign, “WONK,” is dominating public spaces throughout Washington, D.C., again this fall. It’s a campaign that swept the region last spring, bringing awareness and recognition for the progress of American University to prospective students, parents, employers, and higher education peers.

And as this fall’s WONKS tout the university’s recent successes — like topnotch faculty hires and good employment rates for recent grads — it’s as though the colorful still-frame figures have taken on a life of their own. Playing upon that notion, the University Communications and Marketing brand team developed the television spot, “All the WONKS Are Talking,” which has been airing in the mid-Atlantic market since Sunday, October 16, during Meet the Press, Face the Nation, and CBS Sunday Morning.

Under the direction of Matt Fredericks, director, university video department, a cast and crew including AU students, staff, alums, and even faculty member Matt Boerum teamed up to recreate the still poster ads using actors who made the images come to life as they expressed their excitement about AU.
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