Burning question: Does Best Picture matter?

With all the Oscar hullabaloo (of which we’re guilty as well), it’s easy to accept that the Oscars matter, that the acting winners represent the fines that Hollywood offers, and that an institution as venerated as the Academy is the official tastemaker. Take a step back and read this interesting and controversial opinion from Rob […]

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Get ready for Oscar nominations with Wings

Tomorrow, the Academy will announce its nominations for the 85th Academy Awards. We can probably expect the likely nominees (Lincoln, Zero Dark Thirty, etc.), but given the widespread critical acclaim for these films, it will probably be a contentious and exciting contest. Last year, many were taken aback by the success of The Artist, the […]

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84th Academy Award Nominations

The 84th Academy Awards nominees have been announced and mubi.com/notebook has nicely listed them with links to film clips and info. See a few of the nominees below or check it all out here. BEST PICTURE The ArtistThe DescendantsExtremely Loud and Incredibly CloseThe HelpHugoMidnight in ParisMoneyballThe Tree of LifeWar Horse DIRECTING The Artist, Michel HazanaviciusThe […]

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AU Professr Russell Williams Returns to Oscarland

Twenty years after becoming the first African American to win two Oscars, Russell Williams, SOC/BA ’74, returned to Hollywood for the 83rd Academy Awards to commemorate that historic occasion. Williams won Oscars for his sound work on Glory and Dances with Wolves. Since 2002, he’s been an artist in residence at American University’s School of […]

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