New titles from Films Media Group have been added to the following Films on Demand streaming collections. A few of the films are highlighted below: Humanities & Social Sciences Collection – 96 new titles DNA: Secret of Photo 51 – Streaming video One of the greatest scientific achievements of the 20th century was the discovery […]
Continue readingSOC’s Center for Environmental Filmmaking Presents “Growthbusters: Hooked on Growth”
Tuesday, October 25, 7:00 p.m., Mary Graydon Center, Wechsler TheaterIt’s estimated at least 1.5 Earths would be required to sustainably support the current level of human activity on the planet, yet we continue to pursue economic growth and avoid the topic of overpopulation. In this new documentary, filmmaker Dave Gardner takes on Wall Street, the […]
Continue readingMovie and Pizza Night: Music Within
Tuesday, October 25, 6:00 p.m., Kettler-Palmer Lounge (second floor, Bender)In honor of Disability Awareness Week, the movie Music Within, the story of Richard Pimenteland the creation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, will be shown. Pizza and drinks will be served. All are welcome.Sponsor: Disability Support Services/Disability Rights CoalitionContact: Sherrita Rogers, or 202-885-3363Web:
Continue readingNew Media Center Software Training Sessions this week
The New Media Center is located on the lower level of the library past the Technology Services desk, next to Media Services. The NMC conducts open workshops on a variety of topics related to multimedia production. These 20 to 30 minute sessions are open to all AU faculty, staff and students with all levels of […]
Continue readingScary Movies
It’s scary movie time again. Here are 22 titles that should help to get you in the Halloween spirit. Also don’t forget about our our previous scary movie suggestions. You can find those here. 28 Weeks Later – HU DVD 7248 Alien – HU DVD 885* The Brood – HU DVD 1400 The Crazies – […]
Continue readingAre Digital Media Labs the Libraries of the Future?
As electronic books and other digital media become more popular, libraries are going through an identity crisis. Their role as repositories of bound books is uncertain in the long-term future, and nobody knows what the next iteration looks like. YOUmedia, a two-year-old teen learning experiment that incorporates digital media into a wider educational experience, could […]
Continue readingPhotoshop CS-5’s Content Aware Fill
With Photoshop CS5 and Photoshop CS5 Extended, when you remove an image element, Content-Aware Fill replaces the missing pixels almost magically. This revolutionary new tool matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks like the deleted content never existed.
Continue readingMovie Camera Companies Have Quietly Stopped Making Film Cameras
Over the past year, major movie camera manufacturers ARRI, Panavision and Aaton have all quietly stopped manufacturing film cameras — a tough blow to film, and grim news for film photographers. Debra Kaufman over at Creative COW writes, “The demand for film cameras on a global basis has all but disappeared,” says ARRI VP of […]
Continue readingPodcasting
For those of you who missed my Podcasting Plus: Garageband workshop today, here are some tidbits: What is a podcast?A podcast is a digital media file (audio or video) that can be played on the computer or other media readers (phones, ipods, etc). It is usually thematic and comes out as a series. How do […]
Continue readingWalk-in Technology Support is now on the first floor of the library
The OIT Walk-in Technology Support Service has moved from ACC to the library. Get support for:-AU computing accounts and passwords-AU-supported software-Connecting to the wired and wireless networks-Accessing your e-mail-Health check remediation-Troubleshooting-System restoration-Virus removal-and more
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