Expanding the Narrative: Testament of Youth

‘War has made masochists of us all,’ or so says Testament of Youth. Originally released in 2015, the movie was something of a disappointment. It barely made back half of its $10 million budget, and it didn’t begin to capture the richness of its source material, Vera Brittain’s WWI memoir of the same name. Still, […]

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Joyeux Noël: WWI 90 years Later

I’ve seen many WWI films in my time, even before we started this blog series, but Joyeux Noel is my stand-out favorite. Like All Quiet on the Western Front, it highlights what united the combatants, rather than what divided them. Joyeux Noel is certainly much more pointed than All Quiet, but it has the benefit […]

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Happy Halloween!

In honor of this spookiest of holidays, we’ve created a staff picks list of our favorite Halloween movies and tv shows. While some of these might not be explicitly related to Halloween, they all give off a generally creepy vibe– perfect for everyone’s favorite holiday. Corpse Bride (DVD 13291) I watch Corpse Bride every Halloween […]

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Random Movie Monday — The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls

Every once and awhile, the random number generator picks something really… random. Case in point, this week’s random movie: The Topp Twins Untouchable Girls (DVD 6050). Here’s our description. Tells the story of the world’s only yodeling country singing and comedy lesbian sibling duo, the Topp Twins (Jools and Lynda Topp), who have inspired a generation with […]

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Random Movie Monday — The Giver

Happy Monday folks! Today’s random movie is DVD 13980: The Giver. Here’s our summary: The story centers on Jonas, young man who lives in a supposedly ideal world of conformity and contentment. Yet as he begins to spend time with the elder, who is the sole keeper of all the community’s memories, Jonas quickly begins to discover the dark and deadly truths of […]

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Happy Birthday Jeff Goldblum

Happy Birthday Jeff Goldblum! An actor so fixed in our collective cultural consciousness that this: Became this: Of all the ways to commemorate the original Jurassic Park’s 25th anniversary, this was certainly the most… interesting. But anyway, happy birthday to Jeff Goldblum. Many happy returns, and may you always be memeable. You can check out […]

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Smithsonian African American Film Festival

One of the great things about living in DC is that we have this incredible city right at our fingertips. Case in point: the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture is hosting its first ever African American Film Festival. While you do have to pay to attend a film screening and a […]

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