Congress schedules hearing on Smithsonian – Showtime deal

press release –Media Advisory: Ehlers schedules hearing on Smithsonian Institution Business VenturesWASHINGTON – Chairman Vernon J. Ehlers, R-Mich., announced today that the Committee on House Administration will conduct a hearing on the operations and investments of Smithsonian Business Ventures, including Smithsonian on Demand, at 12 noon, Thursday, May 25, 2006, in room 1310 of the […]

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From the screen to the streets – life imitates art: A day without a Mexican (DVD 1008)

From the ALADIN record –“California awakens one day to discover that one third of its population has vanished. A peculiar pink fog surrounds the state and communication outside its boundaries has completely shut down. As the day progresses, it becomes apparent the sole characteristic linking the missing 14 million is their Hispanic heritage. Based on […]

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Must-see video: In the Realms of the Unreal

This documentary provides probably as much of the story of outsider artist Henry Darger as you are ever likely to learn. Darger was a recluse who avoided all but a few people during his relatively long life. Upon being admitted to a hospital late in life, his life’s work, an enormous and truly unique trove […]

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Strictly Film School

A pretty amazing site given that its authored by a single person. This site is devoted to serious and usually esoteric cinema much of which is difficult if not imposssible to find on video. In a nutshell, it teaches the average joe, myself included, just how little he/she really knows about film. The author is […]

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TV-Turnoff Week is this week, April 24-30

Can’t say I support this cause. I mean, really, does it make sense to categorically denounce all television? But in case you are more sympathetic, here’s the mission statement of the TV Turnoff Network. Speaking of cultural literacy, this image is from Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (VHS 1942).

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‘nother list: This time it’s Roger Ebert’s 101 Movies you must see before …

The criterion is different from his list of the greatest films in that he chose titles for their cultural significance. Included are lesser films that nevertheless attained iconic status including Carrie, The Crying Game, Easy Rider, The Exorcist, and Fight Club. Most major directors are represented by no more than a single film, intentionally. My […]

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