Eleven Sundance films…reviewed.

Year after year that I decide to make the great plunge and join in on the Sundance Film Festival, I always return jubilant and excited…and somewhat disappointed. Why disappointed? Somehow expectations and experiences of years past continue to rise, while the actual events have peaked. Growing up was never my strong suit and nowhere is […]

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Cool online film rag: Senses of Cinema

This Australian “journal” is loaded with articles, top ten lists (many annotated), and links to other online film journals and high-brow film sites. It’s fun to browse because in addition to covering the “usual suspects” of world cinema it also contains some nice surprises including serious coverage of so-called exploitation and experimental filmmakers . For […]

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Must-see video: Our Daily Bread

If you’ve been on the fence about whether you want to become a vegetarian, this documentary may help you decide. From vegetables to livestock filmmaker Nikolaus Geyrhalter’s vivid images of the mechanization of modern food harvesting on an epic scale are fascinating, disturbing, and often just surreal. This 80 minute film hasn’t a single line […]

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79th Academy Awards Documentary Short List is Out

It’s been a busy semester and the blog has been a little neglected but now that the winter break is approaching there will be more time for updates (I hope). Anyway here’s the shortlist of documentaries under consideration for Best Documentary. I’m unfamiliar with a majority of them. “Blindsight”“Can Mr. Smith Get to Washington Anymore?”“Deliver […]

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“Dream Deceivers” available on-line…

To those interested in seeing an excellent documentary direct your web browsers to:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5636910946432086857 Dream Deceivers: The Story Behind James Vance vs. Judas Priest On December 23, 1985, two young men in Reno, Nevada put shotguns to their own heads after drinking and smoking marijuana as they listened to a record by the English rock group […]

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Online event of the day: Vampire Blog-a-Thon

The blood begins to fly at 1:00pm today. Discussions of all things Desmodontinae (vampire bat) on film. AU literature professor Jeffrey Middents contributes a piece on Spanish-language Dracula. For more information see-the Vampire Blog-a-Thon linkJeffrey Middents’ “Drácula sounds much better with an accent” link Media Services own vampire collection-Bram Stoker’s Dracula [1992] (DVD 2048)Buffy the […]

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New library addition: Our Brand is Crisis

For many years American political strategists have consulted on the campaigns of presidential hopefuls in other countries, discreetly molding the opnions of the voting puplic, spreading US-style politicking around the world. This riveting documentary follows James Carville and a team of consultants as they help Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada become president of Bolivia. The same […]

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