Bill Clinton watched Groundhog Day while in office – and lots of comedies, oddly

Today is America’s favorite non-holiday that we’re all still obligated to talk about: Groundhog Day! The classic Bill Murray movie with that name came out 23 years ago this month and almost immediately had its fans – including, apparently, Bill Clinton. That’s a clumsy topical segue into a new list from Gizmodo’s Matt Novak of […]

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New Acquisitions – January 2016

Rub your weary eyes and put on non-sweatpants; DC has functionally recovered from the weekend’s massive snowstorm, and we’re back to work. Our first order of business is pushing out the next wave of new DVDs from this month. Big names from this month include the Melissa McCarthy comedy Spy, Marvel’s Ant-Man, and Sundance hit […]

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Film’s great directors circled up and talked about their craft

Everyone has probably imagined a fictional conversation between history’s greatest leaders, thinkers, or artists. It’s a classic hypothetical situation, but unless you’re in a science fiction story, you can’t assemble centuries of historical figures together. Film is still a young medium, though, and many of the greatest filmmakers are still active. That meeting-of-the-minds can actually […]

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This year’s Oscars remind about the importance of cinematography

This year’s Oscar nominations are out, with the usual mix of surprises (Mad Max!) and disappointments (whitewashing across the board). But the one incontestable standout out on the list is the Achievement in Cinematography award. 2016’s lineup might be one of the most competitive races ever. It’s too easy to lump cinematography in with the […]

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Remembering Bowie on film

Like everyone, we’re shocked and saddened by the death of David Bowie, rock god extraordinaire and cultural icon. Bowie was a true renaissance man who dabbled in music, performance, games, and yes, film. Attempting to quantify all his contributions to the arts is a fool’s errand, but we want to at least acknowledge some of […]

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