Hot Docs: A Burning Question

Hot Docs highlights interesting new documentaries we’ve recently added to our collection. A Burning Question (DVD 10638) is not simply about global warming. Though this documentary is, at its core, an updated look at the effects of climate change on the world and particularly in Ireland, the film also examines why such a large climate […]

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Soderbergh calls it a day

Steven Soderbergh’s next film, Side Effects hits theaters tomorrow. But if the director can be believed, it will also be his last film. In recent interviews, Soderbergh has made clear his distaste for the Hollywood system and its treatment of directors. Although Soderbergh still has a film in the can waiting to be released (an […]

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Looper screening on campus TONIGHT!

Sci-fi action-thriller Looper is one of our most popular new acquisitions (HU DVD 10899). Naturally, as of this writing, it’s checked out. Looper was not a huge box office success when it hit theaters last September, but its smart blend of time travel with old-fashioned action thrills gained it a cult following and glowing review […]

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Hot Docs: Schooling the World

Hot Docs highlights interesting new documentaries we’ve recently added to our collection. Schooling the World (DVD 10940) questions whether Western-style educational systems are appropriate for the rest of the world. For all the philanthropic efforts to increase the quality of education in impoverished countries, our idea of a good education may not fit with the […]

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Screenings galore at AU and Katzen

Two exciting documentary screening series are starting on campus this week. It’s probably best just to list them. Tonight at 7pm in Wechsler Theater, the Center for Environmental Filmmaking kicks off its spring film series with National Geographic’s War Elephants, a new documentary about the perilous state of elephant populations in conflict-torn Africa. The film […]

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Very Short post for a Very Short film contest

In the spirit of yesterday’s post, here’s another off-kilter student film competition that’s too entertaining not to share. British newspaper The Guardian recently teamed up with Oxford University Press to host the Very Short Film competition for movies less than 60 seconds long. The Guardian recently narrowed down their finalists, all of which are available […]

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Enter the Eco-Comedy Video Competition

Attention aspiring filmmakers: Interested in plying your craft for a good cause, getting some publicity in local film circles, and winning some money? AU’s Center for Environmental Filmmaking and the Sierra Club have teamed up for the 2013 Eco-Comedy Film Competition. Entrants are asked to make a short, funny YouTube video that draws attention to […]

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