The Academy goes digital, opens archives for all

Digital collections are really exciting. Fragile resources that could previously only be handled in person are now available for anyone to view online. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the governing body in charge of the Oscars, is the latest to jump on this trend. They’ve uploaded their massive archives of film publications […]

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Now available: More popularly requested titles

We do listen to the suggestions you make for our collection. If you need further proof, we’ve now added the following titles. Many of these titles were either submitted via the suggestion box. Others we’ve just overheard people requesting and walking away dejectedly after learning we didn’t have them. Your voices have been heard! Pirates […]

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Win our copy of Moonrise Kingdom!

 Moonrise Kingdom showed up in Media Services today, and we’re giving away our digital download copy! For a chance to win, leave a comment on this post with the names of three of Bill Murray’s characters from Wes Anderson’s movies. We’ll pick a winner at random from our Facebook, Twitter, and blog pages. EDIT: The […]

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Obama, Romney share television favorites

With Hurricane Sandy largely out of the way, the media now turns to the upcoming presidential election. Less than a week remains until the election, and without enough time for any more debates or major game-changing developments, the time has come for silly feature stories. TV Guide scored exclusive interviews with both President Obama and […]

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