Renovation Update

Renovation of our AU Archives new space began in earnest in late December/early January.  Progress is slow but steady. They are currently reinforcing the floors in the stacks to allow for the installation of mobile shelving. The new floors in the stacks will be much higher than the floors elsewhere so they had to create a ramp. Here are a couple of photographs of the ramp and the steel beams that will support the floor in the stacks.



Ramp to stacks



Steel beams for reinforcing floor in stacks



Our offices, reading room and work area are farther along and work continues on those spaces as well. The timing of our move remains uncertain. Our goal of reopening in time for AU’s Founders Day (2/24) proved to be unrealistic. It is clear our space will not be ready for occupancy until late March at the earliest. We hope to have a more concrete timeline by the end of this month.  We will post another update as we get closer to our move date.


We appreciate everyone’s support and patience.  We believe our new space will be well worth the wait.