The Oscars: Will you be tweeting tonight?

The Oscars are on tonight at 7pm. Will you be watching? If so, will you be tweeting about it too? Word on the street is that tonight there may be some record numbers in social media usage involving tonight’s award ceremony. Many celebrities are expected to be tweeting, some from behind the scenes at the Oscars, some from the red carpet and others from their couches. Tons of non-celebrity TV viewers are expected to be tweeting and Facebook posting their opinions on various aspects of the Oscars throughout the course of the event.

There is quite a busy Oscars site with plenty of things to keep you occupied as you watch the ceremony. This includes a Backstage Pass page with photos and videos designed to give you the “insider’s experience”. There’s plenty of fuel here for all your social media activities this evening.

There’s even a free Oscars App which is also designed to provide you with some sort of insider’s view of all the excitement. I actually just downloaded it out of curiosity and at first glance, it’s similar to the Oscar website and appears to more or less be a source for all the little behind the scenes videos you may or may not have an interest in watching.

To learn more about social media and the Oscars, check out this article from the Wall Street Journal and check out the video below.

A Social Media Guide to the Oscars

Check out one of these nominated titles from the Media Services Home Use Collection:
Rise of the Planet of the Apes – HU DVD 9337
Bridesmaids – HU DVD 9104
The Help – HU DVD 9309
Tree of Life – HU DVD 9230
Moneyball – HU DVD 9419
Midnight in Paris – HU DVD 9410

The Oscar illustration above was done by a Media Services staff member.

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