Media Services at the Movies: Playing catch-up

The summer blockbuster season is here! “Media Services at the Movies” will look at what big movie is coming out this week, then offer a few movies like it from our collection.

Phew! We already promoted the super-great robot beat-em-up Pacific Rim last week, so this time around, it’s time for a breather. There are a number of good movies you might not have watched yet, like This is the End, Much Ado About Nothing, World War Z, The Heat, and Despicable Me 2. Take a break in the middle of the week and go see a movie that you haven’t considered!

(Alternatively, you can watch Sharknado when it premieres on Thursday.)

In honor of clearing our backlog for a week, the Media Services staff each picked one out of our favorite older summer movies. You’ve probably seen them, but there’s nothing like a good classic. If you don’t feel like watching what’s in theaters, give these a try!

Apollo 13 – HU DVD 529
Jurassic Park – HU DVD 4901
Animal House – HU DVD 4913
Big Trouble in Little China – HU DVD 6518

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