DC outdoor film festivals spring up almost immediately once the weather gets nice out. Usually we have to wait until May or June for the first movie screenings, but this year, at least one is starting early. This is great news if you won’t be in DC over summer break!
Starting tomorrow, for the next few Fridays, the Union Market near the NoMA Metro stop will be hosting a crowd-pleasing drive-thru film series. The first film in the festival’s line-up is National Lampoon’s Vacation, possibly the definitive summer vacation movie. After that, it’s Diner, a James Bond film, and a Frozen singalong. (We suspect people will really like that last one.)
Doors open at 6pm tomorrow evening, and the film begins at 8pm (when it’s reasonably dark out). Food and unspecified “pre-show activities” will be available for early birds. If you don’t have a car, don’t be scared away by the drive-thru nature of this festival; pedestrians are welcome too!
Stay tuned for the inevitable summer onslaught of outdoor film screenings. For now, this is a great option for people sick of staying indoors at this time of year. Get thee to the big screen!