Documentaries answer: what’s happening in Greece?

News broke today that Greece is in serious financial straits, having missed a major loan repayment to the IMF and now teetering on the edge of default. We admit to not following this situation closely and to being less literate in international politics than likely a majority of the AU students. As is our tendency, we’re turning to documentaries in our collection to get a better understanding of this situation.

We found three quality streaming videos on the Films in Demand database that explain how Europe’s greater currency crisis, Greece’s particular situation and its relationship with banking, and how many Greek citizens are reacting to the austerity measures.

  • The Great Euro Crash – a BBC documentary about the long history of the Euro, tracing its development from theoretical planning in the mid-20th century to the current dilemma in Greece.
  • Greece’s New Odyssey – looks at changing rural life in Greece and how agriculture and barter have become an alternative for young people leaving cities
  • Goldman Sachs and the Decline of Greece – generally about Greece’s crisis but specifically about how American investment bank Goldman Sachs fed its financial collapse

This is of course not a complete picture of what’s happening in Greece, but these videos certainly fill in the details better than many articles we’ve read. Films on Demand regularly updates their collections with quality, timely documentaries like these.

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