Celebrate ‘merica with an irrationally patriotic movie marathon

 Fourth of July falls on a Saturday this year, so many DC businesses are taking Friday off too – including us! The extended weekend gives us an opportunity to cram in a few more patriotic movies. We have fond memories of spending the Fourth lazily watching Independence Day on basic cable, and for America’s 239th birthday, we look forward to three days of the same.

When making Fourth of July recommendations, there’s a few classics. Lincoln is a powerful portrait of one country’s greatest presidents, and 1776 will always be entertaining for making Benjamin Franklin singing about “sexual combustibility.” But for a holiday primarily about blowing things up, we also need to recommend the most aggressively, absurdly patriotic movies. There’s a danger, especially in military films, of patriotism turning violent or xenophobic, but the best rootin’-tootin’ America-worshipping movies love our country to an exaggerated level that’s almost harmless in its total silliness.

So, before we close tonight, we recommend swinging by the library for one of these movies that celebrates America – either in serious reverence of its history or in total, deep-fried excess. National Treasure probably falls hallway between those.

1776 – HU DVD 4969
Glory – HU DVD 1171
Independence Day – HU DVD 3111
John Adams (miniseries) – HU DVD 4991 – 4993
Lincoln – HU DVD 6210
National Treasure – HU DVD 11187
The Patriot – HU DVD 347*
Red Dawn – HU DVD 259
Team America: World Police – HU DVD 2089
Top Gun – HU DVD 2959

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