Media Services at the Movies: The Internship

The summer blockbuster season is here! “Media Services at the Movies” will look at what big movie is coming out this week, then offer a few movies like it from our collection. No pretenses here: sometimes we’re suckers for dumb comedies. Though our staff tends to be split on this, we’re frequently okay with movies […]

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New Acquisitions – May 2013

After a month-long hiatus, we’ve once again started receiving new movies. We’re in the process of playing catch-up. In addition to rounding out our collection of Best Picture nominees (now including Silver Linings Playbook and Django Unchained), we’ve updated our collection of Frontline and 30 for 30 episodes, added the last of the Twilight movies, […]

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See the counterterrorism documentary Dirty Wars before it hits theaters

Dirty Wars is an upcoming documentary by investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill about the highly secretive and illegal counterterrorism operations carried out by the Joint Special Operations Command. This is riveting material, and it’s a heavyweight film too: Dirty Wars was screened at Sundance and won an award for cinematography. Dirty Wars is out on June […]

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Celebrate outlaws on film in NoMa TONIGHT!

The passing of Memorial Day marks the start of a few arbitrary customs of summer. Pools have opened, white pants are socially acceptable, and outdoor film screenings can begin in earnest. Many local film festivals don’t start until later in the summer (we’ll get back to those), but there’s one already going on that you […]

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Happy Memorial Day!

Normally on a big event like Memorial Day, we would take this opportunity to show you some relevant movies in our collection or a related local screening. However, we will be closed on Monday, and a military holiday in DC means that there are very few film-related events happening. So this time, we’ve got nothing […]

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