AU Library begins late Friday hours with 22 Jump Street

The AU Library has traditionally always closed on Friday at 9pm, but this semester, we’re trying something different. Starting this Friday, September 12th, the library will be open for late-night hours, but not just so you can study. We’re planning a series of Friday events, including game nights and free movies.

We’re kicking off our Friday night lineup with a free screening of 22 Jump Street this Friday at 9pm in the Mud Box. We love practically anything Lord and Miller put out, and the Jump Street series is no exception. (Plus, we figured the college theme wouldn’t hurt.) 22 Jump Street is out of theaters and won’t hit DVD until mid-late November, so this might be your only chance to see it until Thanksgiving.

We hope you join us in the library this Friday! We want to bring you exciting evening events more regularly, so if this goes well, expect to hear more in the future.

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