New Acquisitions – July 2015

Last month we promised more regular updates about our new acquisitions, and… well, we didn’t have a whole lot coming in for a few weeks. But we do now! We got a motley assortment of new titles in July, and to avoid going for the obvious bigger names (nothing against Thor), let’s spotlight a few […]

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New Acquisitions – June 2015 – Part 2

As promised, here’s our second batch of new titles from June. The most obvious major acquisitions are the remaining seasons of the first decade of The Simpsons that we didn’t already own. Woop-woop-woop! Artsier types might enjoy our additions from The Journal of Short film or Goodbye to Language, Jean-Luc Godard’s first film in 3D. […]

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New Acquisitions – June 2015 – Part 1

As promised, we’re going to start updating you about our new acquisitions every two weeks. We just resumed purchasing for the summer, and the latest wave of titles has begun to pour in. For this most recent batch, our biggest acquisition is the complete run of the Helen Mirren-fronted British crime procedural Prime Supsect. You […]

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New Acquisitions – May 2015

Apologies for the radio silence on new acquisitions! It’s been a breathless few months, but now that we’ve hit the summer and campus has cooled down, we’ll start giving you more regular updates about what new titles are coming into the library. Since we last updated you in March, we’ve gotten our hands on a […]

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New Acquisitions – March 2015

Now that all the students are away, it’s time to roll out the new DVDs! We’ve been steadily adding new titles all semester, the usual mix of academic titles, popular films, television shows, and other interesting and noteworthy titles. We got the blockbusters Guardians of the Galaxy and Divergent, and we’re picked up Oscar nominees […]

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Films on Demand gets bigger. Try the new content, send us your feedback!

We’ve previously talked about Films on Demand, a streaming video database we subscribe to that contains thousands of documentaries on seemingly every subject. Although a few of them come from big distributors like Discovery or History, they’re mostly smaller affairs. Color us excited that Films on Demand is expanding its offerings to include feature films […]

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New Acquisitions – November 2014

As you recover from your sugar-induced comas this morning, you might be happy to learn that we have a few new items in our collection. We have two major highlights this month. Firstly, thanks to a generous donation, we have received a massive collection of Quebecois films. Secondly, we spent the better part of the […]

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Get to know Docuseek2, now with new films!

Have you visited Docuseek2 lately? Do you know about Docuseek2? They’ve put up a whole slew of new content, so now is a good chance to introduce (or reintroduce) you to one of our most exciting streaming video partners. Docuseek2 streams films produced by Icarus Films and Bullfrog Films, two major distributors with a reputation […]

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New Acquisitions – September 2014

Everyone settled in for the semester? We haven’t brought you a new batch of titles since July, mostly because we’ve been working through our enormous backlog. By our count, we’ve cataloged over 150 new items since last time, including a good number of new and returning television shows. In the interest in promoting a wide […]

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