Hot Docs: The Boy Game

Hot Docs highlights interesting new documentaries we’ve recently added to our collection. The Boy Game (DVD 8955) views bullying from a gendered perspective. The film – only 16 minutes long – posits that the bullying epidemic is in part caused by social pressure among boys to conform to the resilient, tough gender norms common among […]

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A salute to “breaking the fourth wall”

“Breaking the fourth wall” is one of the riskiest tools in a filmmaker’s bag. As recently exemplified in Netflix’s version of House of Cards, taking a moment to recognize the audience or the limitations of the visual medium can work like gangbusters for comic or dramatic effect. It can also backfire and distract the audience […]

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AU hosts the DC Environmental Film Festival this week!

SOC’s environmental film series joins forces this week with the D.C. Environmental Film Festival for a series of weeklong events highlighting the city’s best environmental filmmaking – both professional and amateur. The festivities kick off tomorrow with the premiere of Shooting in the Wild, a film based on Professor Chris Palmer’s exposé book about environmental […]

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Hot Docs: Nuclear Savage

Hot Docs highlights interesting new documentaries we’ve recently added to our collection. Nuclear Savage (DVD 10606) puts a lens on the untold victims of nuclear testing. The effects of nuclear weaponry are well documented, yet few discuss the lives of the people intentionally exposed to radiation during nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific. The film […]

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Help us figure out what this is

In the process of cleaning Media Services, we found this unusual… thing in one of our viewing rooms. It appears to be an end-table of sorts, but it goes up or down depending on the weight that’s on resting it. You can adjust the tension, but you can’t lock it at a particular height. We’re […]

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SXSW 2013 continues a tradition of fine film

It’s spring break here at American University, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of the world is on pause. Austin is currently hosting South by Southwest (SXSW), an annual film/music/silly cat festival that attracts big names in media. SXSW festival entrants have launched careers, won top Oscars, and made people look at the world […]

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New Acquisitions – March 2013

As we head into spring break, we’re adding some big titles to our collection. Oscar contenders Argo, Skyfall, and The Master are now available, as is the second season of Game of Thrones. But don’t overlook some of our other interesting additions, including The Naked Gun series, experimental film Holy Motors, failed Aaron Sorkin vehicle […]

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