Greg Smith SFX Collection updated

SOC Professor Greg Smith has previously provided the AU Library with an expansive sound effect library free for anyone free for anyone to use – AU community member or otherwise. It’s a very useful resource, especially for people working off-campus who are looking for sounds for one of their projects. Today we added over 400 […]

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Is the special effects business in trouble?

Common sense dictates that special effects sell movie tickets. If you look at a list of the most successful movies in the world, 18 of the 20 highest-grossing live-action films are notable for their high-quality CGI. Big, splashy effects drive people to seats, get them to buy DVDs, and frequently win critical acclaim. One recent […]

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Very Short post for a Very Short film contest

In the spirit of yesterday’s post, here’s another off-kilter student film competition that’s too entertaining not to share. British newspaper The Guardian recently teamed up with Oxford University Press to host the Very Short Film competition for movies less than 60 seconds long. The Guardian recently narrowed down their finalists, all of which are available […]

Continue reading branches out with new tutorials

American University has a subscription to, a video tutorial website that can teach you skills ranging from high-end multimedia software like Photoshop to office programs like Excel. Any active member of the AU community (current students, faculty, staff, etc.) can access these tutorials through But isn’t just for production software. The site […]

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Blu-rays are growing, but is it enough for physical media?

It’s no secret that many movie studios rely on DVD sales to make films profitable. Some smaller companies with a direct-to-video model rely exclusively on them. Despite Hollywood seeing record box office returns this year, Bloomberg reports that DVD sales are noticeably declining. High-definition Blu-rays are becoming more popular, but the total amount spent on […]

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Archivist finds a lost film from… 1980?

In the last few years, film historians and collectors have found prints of famous lost films, including the earliest surviving Hitchcock and an extra-length version of Metropolis. These early silent films almost carry an expectation that they’ll be missing or damaged in some form. You would never expect to lost a film made in, say, […]

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