Appropriate for a country of immigrants, Module 1 of Democracy on Film focuses on the immigrant experience. Immigrant stories are incredibly diverse, just as immigrant experiences are diverse. We also should make sure, as always, to take a close look at who is telling the immigrant’s story.
Module 1: The Immigrant Experience
Introductory Lesson: From Penny Claptrap to Movie Palaces—the First Three Decades
Chapter 1: “The Immigrant” (1917, d. Charlie Chaplin) — HU DVD 8502
Chapter 2: “The Godfather, Part II” (1974, d. Francis Ford Coppola) — HU DVD 2542
Chapter 3: “America, America” (1963, d. Elia Kazan) — HU DVD 7756
Chapter 4: “El Norte” (1983, d. Gregory Nava) — HU DVD 10144
Chapter 5: “The Namesake” (2006, d. Mira Nair) — HU DVD 3499