Movies At Random: De-Lovely

Today’s random movie is De-Lovely (HU DVD 12337). Kind of mixed reviews according to Wikipedia, but hey, Kevin Kline is in it so how bad could it be. Also, Kevin Kline sings in it so it’s worth watching just for that. Here’s our summary: A musical portrait of American composer Cole Porter. The film imagines […]

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Movies At Random: Sansho the Bailiff

Today’s random movie is Mizoguchi’s Sansho the Bailiff (HU DVD 5910). There are some super interesting essays on Criterion about this film, and I learned on Wikipedia that apparently Terrence Malick wrote a stage play based on the film! Here’s our summary: Based on a medieval Japanese folktale, this is a story of an aristocratic […]

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Movies At Random: Rice People

Today’s film is Rithy Panh’s 1994 film Rice People (HU DVD 6120). According to Wikipedia, this film was the first Cambodian film submitted to the academy awards. Here’s our summary: In order to grow a successful rice crop, Poeuv and Om fight disease, snakes, and more. When Poeuv dies, Om must forge on to take […]

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Movies At Random: Moonfleet

To call this selection random would be basically a lie. BUT unless you’re psychic you probably weren’t thinking of it, so it’s random for you! Moonfleet (HU DVD 7928) is a 1955 Fritz Lang film that, according to Wikipedia, was a critical and financial failure upon release, but was rated among the 100 most essential […]

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Five Films Featuring…Precarious Babies

This week’s Five Films comes from Sean Casey, our Media Services Manager! Commentary by Tara, who has been thinking a lot about infant mortality. Why do they have to arrive like 25% done? They can’t even hold their own heads up. It’s like they’re designed to die. Child endangerment is no laughing matter, but shows […]

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Movies At Random: Elephant

Today’s random movie is Gus Van Sant’s Elephant (HU DVD 790). This 2003 film was briefly blamed for a school shooting, but otherwise was highly regarded. According to Wikipedia, the film starred mostly new or non-professional actors, which entailed much of the improvisation that gives the film its feel. Here’s our summary: Elephant takes us […]

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