Transgender flags held by people at a demonstration

Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance

This year and every year, Transgender Awareness Week goes from November 13th to November 19th and culminates with Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20th. In 1999, transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith founded Transgender Day of Remembrance to honor the loss of a transgender woman named Rita Hester in 1998. Since then, November 20th has […]

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Poster for "Mama Bears" featuring a middle-aged woman hugging a young person holding pride flags

Mama Bears Review – Streaming Free Through November 20th

Mama Bears is a touching, family-focused documentary that examines the intersections of motherhood, faith, pride, politics, and community. Originally premiering at the South by Southwest festival (SXSW) in 2022 and going on to win numerous awards, this film tells the stories of two conservative Christian mothers overcoming their own prejudices to become fierce advocates for […]

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National Hispanic Heritage Month

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month is coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to celebrate. Originally established as National Hispanic Heritage Week in 1968 and expanded to a full month in 1989, this celebration runs from September 15th through October 15th every year. This month includes important dates for many Hispanic countries, including […]

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New Acquisition Alert!

Revolution of Our Times / BLU 17255 Revolution of Our Times uses interviews and footage from the frontline political scene to follow seven teams of protestors as they fight for their freedom and democracy in Hong Kong during 2019-2021. Named after the political slogan “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times,” this film is a […]

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The Evolution of Horror Films: A Look a Horror Movies from the 19th to 21st Century

By Emily Walsh When you think of horror movies, what comes to mind? Horror films try to evoke the viewer’s worst nightmares as a form of entertainment. The ghosts, demons, murderers, and supernatural beings combined with some gore, torture, and jump-scares manipulate the audience into experiencing psychological thrills and fun. For a film to be […]

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Celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day

by Emily Walsh What is Indigenous Peoples’ Day? Do you remember the words: “In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue”? Mythology about Columbus and the “discovery” of the Americas continues to be many American children’s first lesson about encountering different Indigenous cultures. Indigenous Peoples’ Day is a holiday that celebrates and honors Native […]

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Why We Buy DVDs

Yes, I know it’s 2020, but when I’m looking to buy a movie, I opt to buy the DVD, even if it’s slightly more expensive than a digital copy. This is primarily because I’m paranoid — my computer may crash, the file type may be phased out, a company’s server may crash, the company may […]

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Movies for Independence Day

I’m usually wary of nationalism and patriotism, especially in the current political climate, but July 4th is the one day of the year where I indulge in a bit of “Heck yeah, America!” I eat a hot dog, watch 1776, and try and find a dramatic reading of the Declaration of Independence to attend. This […]

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