The Office clocks out

After an impressive nine-season run (a rarity for modern scripted sitcoms), NBC’s surprise hit The Office will close shop tonight at 9pm. For a sitcom with an inauspicious start as a sure-to-fail remake of a British TV classic, The Office became a staple of Thursday night television for the last decade. The audience’s interest in […]

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Big names in cinema compete at Cannes 2013

Today marks the start of the Cannes Film Festival, widely considered one of film’s most elite and prestigious events. Despite some concerns about the festival’s secrecy, ballooning size, and demographics, Cannes is still the gold standard for festivals, and its top prize, the Palme d’Or, remains one of the highest awards a filmmaker can receive. […]

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Salute to our senior staff

Today’s the last day of the academic year, which is both exciting and sad for us. On the one hand, we’re all looking forward to the summer. But it also means we have to say goodbye to our senior student staff members who are graduating. Media Services, the New Media Center, and the AU Library […]

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Hot Docs: The Light in Her Eyes

Hot Docs highlights interesting new documentaries we’ve recently added to our collection. The Light in Her Eyes (DVD 10782) tells the fascinating story of a Muslim preacher whose school has led to more women taking active involvement in the Islamic community. The filmmaker notes that western feminism tends to be secular; in contrast, the women […]

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Graphic designer breaks films down by color

For those with an interest in film and composition (which probably describes most of our audience), this is the coolest thing you’ll see all day. Roxy Radulescu, a graphic artist from Los Angeles, started Movies in Color, a blog that breaks iconic film stills down by color. In addition to showcasing the most prominent and […]

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