Aargh crickets!

Aaaarrrggh! A family of crickets has taken up residence outside the emergency door in Media Services, and you can hear them everywhere. Normally we would’ve tried to clear them out, but because the pathway outside the library is currently under construction, we can’t get to them. We, for one, welcome our new insect overlords! Lest […]

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Early Orson Welles film uncovered!

Everyone knows Orson Welles best for his directorial debut, Citizen Kane. Though Welles had dabbled in some film work and shorts before Kane‘s debut, few of those early works have seen the light of the day. Perhaps Welles’s most famous lost work is Too Much Johnson, a series of vignettes originally designed to screen alongside […]

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E.T. kicks off Screen on the Green

Of the many film screenings happening around the DMV area this summer, none has a stronger pedigree and brand than the HBO- and Universal-sponsored Screen on the Green. Every Monday for the next four weeks, HBO will screen a classic film on the National Mall at sunset, around 8pm. This year’s festivities begin tonight with […]

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