Category Archives: Photographs

John Montoya in Colombia

Name: John O. Montoya
Country of Service: Colombia
Place of Service: Tenjo
Service Type: Community Development
Dates in Service: 1961-1963
Keywords: Agriculture, Community Development, Health

Accession Date: March 26, 2019
Access: No Restrictions
Collection Size: 1 linear feet

Document Types

  • Correspondence
  • Photographs
  • Scrapbooks
  • Publications
  • Journals

Finding Aid

  1. A Biographical Sketch of Colombia One, 2008 (2) 
  2. Colombia 1, 1961-1963 
  3. Colombia 1 Photo Album, 1961-1963 
  4. Journal, 1961-1963 
  5. Newsletters, 1962-1965, n.d. 
  6. Newspaper, 2000 
  7. Peace Corps FY 1986 Annual Report, 1985 
  8. Peace Corps News, 1961-1962 
  9. Peace Corps Scrapbook (2) 
  10. Peace Corps Times, 1986 
  11. Peace Corps Volunteer, 1962-1964 
  12. Peace Corps Volunteer, 1964-1966 
  13. Post Peace Corps, 1963-2014 
  14. Program Description, n. d.  
  15. Site Discursives, 1961 
  16. Slides, 1961-1963 (2) 
  17. Toughest Job You’ll Ever Love, 1961-1963 
  18. Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, 1986 
  19. The Unero Chronicles, 1961-1963 
  20. The Volunteer, 1962 
  21. Volunteers for Peace, 1966 
  22. John Montoya 1961-1963

Michael Gainor in Colombia

Michael Gainor

Country of Service: Colombia
Place of Service: Pasoul Bravo
Service Type OR Service Project Title: Education
Dates in Service: 1963-1965
Keywords: Education, Youth

Accession Date: January 7, 2019
Access: Unrestricted
Collection Size: 21 inches

Document Types

  • Photographs
  • Scrapbooks
  • Reports
  • Publications

Digital Surrogates

Finding Aid

  1. Gainor, Michael J.
  2. Biographical Sketches, 1963-1964 
  3. Booklocker, 1963 
  4. Journal, n.d. 
  5. Military Obligations, n.d. 
  6. Photographs, n.d. 
  7. Physical Education, 1964, n.d. 
  8. Registration and Training, 1963, n.d. 
  9. Speech: Why the Peace Corps?, n.d. 
  10. Travel Tag, n.d. 

Jean Townes in Nigeria

Country of Service: Nigeria
Service Type: Education
Dates in Service: 1965-1967
Keywords: Education

Accession Date: August 24, 2018
Access: No Restrictions
Collection Size: 0.25 linear feet

Document Types

  • Correspondence
  • Photographs
  • Sound

Finding Aid

  1. Correspondence, 1965 
  2. Correspondence, 1966 
  3. Correspondence, 1967 
  4. Correspondence, Misc., 1966, undated 
  5. Passport and Peace Corps Sticker, undated 
  6. Photographs, Negative, 1965-1968, undated 
  7. Poems Written by a Student Killed in Biafran War, undated 
  8. Slides, 1965-1967, undated 
  9. Sound Recordings, 1966-1969 


Paul Jurmo in the Gambia

Country of Service: the Gambia
Service Type: Education (Adult Literacy)
Dates in Service: 1976-1979
Keywords: Education, Community Development, Literacy

Accession Date: October 5, 2018
Access: No Restrictions
Collection Size: 2.75 linear feet and a USB containing Photos, Slides, and Audio; .01 linear feet of audio cassette tapes

Document Types

  • Audio Cassette Tapes (September 9, 2020)
  • Reports
  • Publications
  • Memoir

Related Items in Other Repositories

  • Amulets [Museum of the Peace Corps Experience]
  • A Simple Tool [Museum of the Peace Corps Experience]
  • Fans [Museum of the Peace Corps Experience]
  • Sling [Museum of the Peace Corps Experience]

Finding Aid

  1. Box 1
    1. 3 Audio Cassette Tapes (each tape is double-sided)
      1. Tape 1, Side A: “Religious Practices in a Gambian Village”
      2. Tape 1, Side B: “Lecture at UMass CIE by ?, Early 1980s”
      3. Tape 2, Side A: “Pakalinding, 1977”
      4. Tape 2, Side B: Blank
      5. Tape 3, Side A: “Guitar Music: Pakalinding Interview (11 March 1978)”
        1. Additional inscriptions: “Guitar; Class Vvsit; 2 drummings”
      6. Tape 3, Side B: “Japine: 10 March 1978”
        1. Additional inscriptions: “Japine classes; songs by girls”
    2. Background Info re: the Gambia, 1976-1982
    3. Curriculum Materials & Assessment Tools, 1976-1979 (1/2)
    4. Curriculum Materials & Assessment Tools, 1976-1979 (2/2)
    5. Documents Prepared by Paul Jurmo, 1967-1979 (1/3)
    6. Documents Prepared by Paul Jurmo, 1967-1979 (2/3)
    7. Documents Prepared by Paul Jurmo, 197601979 (3/3)
    8. Financial Reports of Nat’l Literacy Advisory Committee, 1979
  2. Box 2
    1. Ideas for Reading Materials for Adult Literacy, 1977-1981 & undated (1/3)
    2. Ideas for Reading Materials for Adult Literacy, 1977-1981 & undated (2/3)
    3. Ideas for Reading Materials for Adult Literacy, 1977-1981 & undated (3/3)
    4. Info About Attempted Coup D’état, 1980-1982 (1/2)
    5. Info About Attempted Coup D’état, 1980-1982 (2/2)
    6. Minutes of National Literacy Advisory Committee Meetings, 1976-1979 (1/3)
    7. Minutes of National Literacy Advisory Committee Meetings, 1976-1979 (2/3)
  3. Box 3
    1. Minutes of National Literacy Advisory Committee Meetings, 1976-1979 (3/3)
    2. Newsletters of Gambian Agencies, 1976-1979
    3. Notebooks, 21 September 1976-14 January 1977
    4. Notebooks, 18 January 1977-20 June 1977
    5. Notebooks, 20 June 1977-12 January 1978
    6. Notebooks, 20 January 1978-1 April 1978
    7. Notebooks, 7 April 1978-20 July 1978
  4. Box 4
    1. Notebooks, 22 July 1978-9 December 1978
    2. Notebooks, 10 December 1978-2 February 1979
    3. Notebooks, 2 February 1979-11 May 1979
    4. Notebooks, 12 May 1979-13 August 1979
    5. Notebooks, 13 August 1979-December 1979
    6. PC the Gambia “Bantaba” Newsletter with Article about Paul Jurmo’s Adult Literacy Project 1977-1978
    7. PC Project Description and Pre-Training Candidate Booklet 1975-1978 & Undated
  5. Box 5
    1. Personal Reflections, 1976-1979 & Undated
    2. Project Planning Doc’s and Reports, 1976-1982 & Undated (1/4)
    3. Project Planning Doc’s and Reports, 1976-1982 & Undated (2/4)
    4. Project Planning Doc’s and Reports, 1976-1982 & Undated (3/4)
    5. Project Planning Doc’s and Reports, 1976-1982 & Undated (4/4)
    6. Public Awareness Flyer Re: Adult Literacy by PCV Karl Warma, Undated
    7. Reports about Adult Literacy Efforts in Various African Nations 1977-1979
    8. Supervisor’s Log (To Document Site Visits), 1978
    9. Training Materials Used to Train Community Development Staff 1977-1979
    10. Workshop on Formal Ed as Component of Integ’d Rural Development, April 1979
  6. Box 6
    1. Donation Information and Co-Op Logo, Undated
    2. MEP Program Evaluation (Documents from 2 Formative Evaluations and 1 3rd-Year Evaluation (1982-1984); Program Evaluation
      1. MEP Formative Evaluation, June-July 1982
      2. MEP Formative Evaluation, November-December 1982
      3. MEP Program Evaluation, Numeracy Program Quarterly Report, March 31, 1983
      4. MEP Program Evaluation, Planning of the Evaluation, June-September 1983
      5. MEP Program Evaluation, Information Collected for Evaluation, 1983
      6. Evaluation Report Draft by Jurmo (1983) and Final Report, Revised by MEP Staff, 1984
    3. MEP Staff Training
      1. Early MEP Staff Training, October 1981
      2. MEP Staff Training, Workshop For Co-op Inspectors/ Education, Yundum, July, 1982
      3. MEP Workshop For Co-op Inspectors/Education, Training Schedule and Lesson Plans, November 1982
      4. MEP Workshop For Co-op Inspectors/Education: Workshop Report, Feedback from Participants, November 1982
      5. “Workshops for “Village Facilitators” of MEP Numeracy Classes, Administrative Tasks; held: Jenoi, December 1982; Chamen, January 1983
      6. Workshops for “Village Facilitators” of Numeracy Classes; Feedback and Workshop Report; held December 1982, Jenoi, and Chamen, January 1983
      7. Workshops for “Village Facilitators” of Numeracy Classes, Training Schedule, Lessons Plans, Notes, Participants and Staff; December 1982, Jenoi, and Chamen, January 1983
      8. Workshops for “Village Facilitators,” Assessment Tools Interviews, Written Tests;  December 1982, Jenoi, and Chamen, January 1983
      9. Evaluation of “Intermediate” Course For CIES; Final Report, Feedback From CIES and Facilitators; Yundum, July-August 1983
      10. Initial Planning for “Intermediate” Training Workshops For Coop Inspectors/Education (CIES’s), Held in July-August 1983 at Yundum
      11. Schedule and Lesson Plans for “Intermediate” Course for CIEs; includes written work by CIEs; Yundum, July-August 1983
      12. Assessments of Participants in the “Intermediate” Course for Co-op Inspectors; includes quiz, essays, and interviews; held in Yundum, July-August 1983
      13. Workshop For MEP Supervisors, Held at New MEP Office at Co-op Department Headquarters at Banjul, March 1983
      14.  Workshop for Co-op Inspectors/ED, Proposed Agenda Interview, September1983
      15. Workshop for Representation of Co-ops in 5 West African Countries, and of US-A and International Organizations Related to Co-Operatives: Lesson Plans, Schedule, “Study Notes” (Handouts); held at Atlantic Hotel in Banjul, October 1983
    4. MEP Learning Resources 1982/1983: Curriculum Materials For Numeracy/Literacy Instruction
        1. MEP Learning Resources: Core Numeracy Curriculum: Learners Notebook, 2 editions (1983 and unknown), Co-Op Numeracy Facilitator’s Guide (1983, Second Edition)
        2. Homework Assignment Books: Bood 1, Addition, Book 2: Subtraction; Book 3: Money and Procedure Receipts, Undated
        3. Guidebook of Training Support Activities, 1983
        4. “Fun Activities:” Assorted Activities For Numeracy Facilitators, 1982
        5. Picture Stories” adopted as visual aids (Discussion Starters) in Numeracy Classes: Prototype Sketches by Jurmo; more-finished versions by Various Gambian Artists
        6. Numeracy Games: Farming Game, Extension Worker Game, Urban Worker Game, undated
  7. Box 7
    1. MEP Learning Resources 1982/1983: Curriculum Materials For Numeracy/Literacy Instruction (con’t)
      1. “Simplified Bookkeeping” Guide for Numeracy/Literacy Training Groups, 1983
      2. “Specific Literacy” Activities: UMass/CIE Book (198); Handouts for MEP Staff (1982); Follow-up Project with IBAs and NEF Services of Ministry of Education (1982)
      3. Income-Generating Projects: Handouts for MEP Staff Training (1983); Meeting with Peace Corps Volunteers (1983)
      4. Curriculum Overviews/ History, c. 1982
    2. MEP Miscellaneous
      1. Proposal for Calculator Project with UMass/CIE, 1983
      2. Miscellaneous Background Readings Re: NonFormal ED From: UNESCO, Co-Op ED-Materials Advisory Service, MAP International, UMASS/CIE Health Education Games, c. early 1980s
      3. Tree-Planting Curricula Prepared For Peace Corps Volunteers (by Jurmos): “Word Problems” Adapted from MEP Curriculum For Use in Forestry Dept. Training, 1983
      4. Staffing Plans for Supervisors, Driver Performance Issues, Numeracy Education Coordinator Job Description, c. 1983
      5. Proposal For Study at UMass/CIE by MEP Staffer Dodou Jome, 1982
      6. Consultant Housing, 1983
      7. Consultant Paul Jurmo Expenses Book, 1983
  8. USB containing digitized audio, photographs, and slides

Processed by Chloe Eastwood and Emily Messner

Thomas Garrett Johnston in the Philippines

Country of Service: the Philippines
Service Type: Education (high school teacher)
Dates in Service: 1967-1969
Keywords: Education

Accession Date: May 7, 2018
Access: No Restrictions
Collection Size: .01 linear feet (located in small collections)

Document Types

  • Photographs (prints)

Finding Aid

  1. Photographs, Basilan, Philippines, 1967-1969
    1. 40 photographs
    2. Printed map of Basilan

James and Linda Bingen in Dahomey

Country of Service: Dahomey
Service Type: Ruralization of Education
Dates of Service: 1967-1969
Keywords: Agriculture, Education

Accession Date: April 26, 2018
Access: No Restrictions
Collection Size: .25 linear feet

Document Types

  • Reports
  • Photographs (slides)

Finding Aid

  1. Summer Programs, 1971-1972 
    1. Peace Corps, Dahomey Programs Summer 1972 
    2. Peace Corps, Dahomey Programs Summer 1971 
  2. Memorandums, 1971-1972 
    1. Memorandum, Raullerson-Rakov, Country Plan Update 1971 
    2. Memorandum, Raullerson, Dahomey Replacement Program 
    3. Memorandum, Raullerson, Dahomey New Program, Agricultural/Extension, Fall 1971 
    4. Memorandum, Raullerson, Dahomey, Agricultural/Extension, Summer 1972
  3. Animal Traction Reports, 1969, 1971 
    1. Atakora Animal Traction December 1971 ODAA-FAO-Peace Corps 
    2. Richard Roosenberg, Kerou The Micro-Economics Oxen Traction, September 1971 
    3. Powell & Nobes, Okpara Animal Traction Report, November 1969 
  4. Ruralization Reports 
    1. Jim Bingen, et al. Ruralization Report from Dahomey I October 11-12, 1969 
    2. Bingen, Ruralization Report, September 31, 1969 
    3. H. Liss, Ruralization Report 
  5. Slides
    1. 1968-1969 
  6. Linda Bingen, Health Education in Dahomey’s Schools, August 1969 

Margaret Fiedler in Guatemala

Country of Service: Guatemala
Service Type: Health Education
Dates in Service: 1985-1987
Keywords: Palencia, Nutrition

Accession Date: September 7, 2017
Access: No deed of gift as donation through third party.
Collection Size: 0.5 linear feet (located in small collections)

Document Types

  • Correspondence
  • Photographs

Finding Aid

  1. Correspondence, 1985 
  2. Correspondence, 1986-1987 
  3. Photographs 

Odd Jobs in the Peace Corps

Most Peace Corps Volunteers spend their service as educators, working in community development, or in public health.

But some volunteers spend their two years serving in very different jobs. For example, Avram Primack worked with marine fisheries in the Philippines from 1987-1989 and Terry Kennedy and James Kolb worked on the Peace Corps Educational TV Project in Colombia from 1964-1966 and 1963-1965, respectively.

Take a look at three more odd jobs we have in the collection.


While serving in Colombia from 1964-1966 Howard Ellegant worked as an architect. Ellegant drew out plans for multiple schools, a house, and a church.

Howard Ellegant, Colombia, 1964-1966. “Iglesia de Troncocito” October 5, 1965 (Truncated Church)


Meghan Keith-Hynes (Haiti, 1986) and Richard Burns (Dominican Republic, 1962-1964) both worked in Forestry. Burns notes that his group was trained in fire suppression and aiding the Dominican Republic government to establish their own forest service. Meghan worked on starting a community nursery independent of the government.

Meghan Keith-Hynes, Haiti, 1986

Richard Burns, Dominican Republic, 1962-1964, “Planting trees”


Steven Bossi served in India from 1966-1968 and worked on the Andhra Pradesh Science Workshop, which worked with local science teachers. The workshop focused on two things: aspects of science teaching that are crucial for a firm understanding of the principles of high school science and aspects that can easily be implemented in the classroom.

Steven Bossi, India, 1966-1968, “Demonstrating folding microscope”


While most volunteers work in the same three types of jobs, there are a few out of the ordinary jobs volunteers do around the world.

Gaile Noble in Chile

Country of Service: Chile
Service Type: Education
Dates in Service: 1964-1967

Accession Date: March 26, 2018
Access: No restrictions.
Collection Size: 0.5 linear feet (located in small collections)

Document Types

  • Correspondence
  • Photographs

Finding Aid

  1. Correspondence, 1964-1966 
  2. Correspondence, 1967 
  3. Photographs