Minutes December 2 2013 Meeting (approved)

Present: Chris Simpson (SOC), Alan Isaac (CAS), Brian Yates (CAS/Psych), Laura March (CTRL), Michael Jee (GLC), Nancy Davenport (Library), Sonja Walti (SPA), Craig Hyden (SIS), Monica Jackson (CAS), John Smith (WCL), Erran Carmel (KSB), Clement Ho (Library)

November minutes (Sonja)

CIS WordPress Website
Discuss what to ‘publish’ from previous site on our new WordPress site (Craig)
CIS members have no objections to just move former Listserve content to this new Wodpress site

Reports from ATSC (Craig)
ATSC meeting on e-portfolios (examples: repertoire of music students, creative writing). What should e-portfolios serve? Admin, teaching, or service-based learning? Do we need a uniform tool? Do we need a new position? Current intent is to benchmark to later reach a decision. ATSC considerations: Google’s application? (see “Digication”) Other experiments at AU. Moving forward with pedagogical and legal obligation in mind.

CIS discussion: Avoid too centralized a tool. Should be pushed into an existing position (e.g. Career Center, CTRL). Be mindful that contents of e-portfolio is students’ intellectual property. Be mindful of Google’s declared objective to data-mine the information it manages. Has to mesh with AU’s archival system. CIS to put in a vote for WordPress as an e-portfolio (using it is: Harvard, Standford, Georgetown, George Mason).
CIS Decision: Point ATSC to our discussion, considerations, and recommendation.

Report from Faculty Senate (Chris)
Rewriting of committee-faculty relations in faulty manual could be relevant to CIS.

Topic updates: library update (Nancy)
Regarding non-student facing activity to be moved off the Quad, specifically to the law school, when it moves out. This move is motivated by the following question: How can this building best service the needs of students and faculty?
The following services were identified as candidates for a move:
1)    Technical services (buys, processes, makes books available in collection). Needs: space, loading docks, elevators.
2)    Archives and special collections: few use it and those who do, will be able to
3)    Who else is moving there? Should something from the library be moved if so? (e.g. potential of SETH moving there)  library developed relevant ‘if statements’
CIS questions: Do these moves meet the underlying needs of library and affected faculty? Implications for morale? Does it affect library functioning, sense of community? Will video collection move?
Answers: Clear benefit is that more of the library on the Quad with be available to students and staff. Special collections access will be built into that model. Library is very intentional about the model and had examined models in other places. No, video collection will not be moved.

Resolution proposal
Chris proposes for CIS to adopt a resolution called “CIS Resolution on Adoption of Fair information Use Principles”; draft statement is presented to CIS in writing
Motivation: The proposal aims to be the equivalent to a privacy statement of an agency.
CIS discussion: More discussion is needed to cover it all and competently. Examples: What about emails from faculty to program directors regarding a student’s performance? What about library records of a student? Such a privacy statement could make communication about students more difficult. Students aren’t consumers. We should be more deliberate about trying to identify the harms this statement is to address.
CIS Decision: Keep the paperwork on this resolution and return to it during the Spring.

Past business: 2012-13 ATSC final report on BYOD
Monica reports back on how CIS concerns about BYOD statement were finalized in the 2012-13 ATCS report, transmitted from then chair Mary Hanson to Scott Bass on May 2, 2013 (p. 4)
Findings: CIS concerns regarding BYOD were taken into account; CIS will monitor this agenda item and check on compliance with our recommendations

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