Minutes 2014-09-22 (approved)

Meeting Date: 2014-09-22

Recorders: Alan Isaac

Attending: Jason Fabrikant (SPEXS), Joseph Mortati (Kogod), Amy Taylor (WCL) Terry Fernandez (OIT), Brian Yates (CAS/Psych), Alan Isaac (CAS/Econ), Alayne Mundt (Library), Lucas Regner (CTRL), Chris Simpson (SOC), Amin Mohseni (CAS/Econ)

We’ll review last meeting’s minutes next time.


Chris gave background on “wish list” draft.

Chris opened discussion of co-chair.  He’ll attend Senate meetings.  Sonya handles agenda and meeting prep.  Third person needed to manage priorities.  Joseph volunteered.  Chris, Sonya, and Joseph were unanimously voted as co-chairs.

Jason expressed concern about email (alternatives to Lotus), and would like to see better use of Sharepoint.

Amin raised issue of keeping faculty websites updated.  Terry said there is a project request to pull publications from FARS to faculty default pages.

Amin asked about student pictures.  Chris said WCL already has this but it remains in process on campus.

Lucas raised the issue of open source textbooks.

Joseph and Chris will be “keepers” of the issues list, which Chris will post for the committee to our WordPress site.

Alan will focus on classroom allocation issues.

Amin will focus on information dissemination issues.

Brian will focus on LMS issues.

Joseph will attend the ATSC meetings.

Chris reported on the last Senate meeting.

Brian asked about the SET, suggesting it’s a measure of process rather than outcomes.

MIT: “Information Technology, the Network Society, and the Global University” open, online, free course this autumn 2014 at MIT OCW-centric World University and School

“Information Technology, the Network Society, and the Global University” –

an open, online, free course meets this autumn 2014 at wiki CC MIT OCW-centric World University and School … on Saturdays from 11am-1pm Pacific Time.

“What is information technology, broadly conceived? How did it develop? Who did it? What has been the process of diffusion into the economy and society? How and why did the Network Society take shape? What of the implications of networks in the Information Age? In this course, we’ll analyze the interaction between society and contemporary information technologies, in a multicultural and comparative perspective. In doing so, we’ll examine what data and evidence are in the social sciences, how it is used, and how it is interpreted.”

In the second half of the course, we’ll explore starting an all-language, MIT OCW-centric university and school, World University and School, asking further (in the context of the first half’s focus on how the information revolution emerged), and in terms of questions about agency (from a Castellian perspective), in what ways to grow this conversation remarkably and flourishingly on the internet? In what ways can WUaS build on great universities in innovative ways? And what are some of the inter-lingual implications of this? We’ll also problematize the 9 main areas below at WUaS – http://worlduniversityandschool.org/.  And we’ll develop your questions into course themes.

Courses: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses
Subjects: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects
Languages: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages
Library Resources: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources
Nation States: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Nation_States
You at World University: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/You_at_World_University
Educational Software: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Educational_Software
Museums: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Museums
Research: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Research
Hardware Resource Possibilities: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Hardware_Resource_Possibilities
World University Music School: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School
World University Foundation: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Foundation

This class is synchronous …

on Harvard’s virtual island (get an avatar)

and in Google + group video Hangouts at WUaS (get a G+ Profile)

on Saturdays for 2 hours from 11a-1p (Pacific Time) beginning Saturday, September 20th, to get familiar with the two main information technologies, and with the course conversation beginning on September 27th.

This course will only meet in the autumn at World University and School.

[If people are interested in distant time zones, we’ll explore changing the course’s scheduling].

See this link for this course –

Come join the “Information Technology, the Network Society, and the Global University” conversation!

Email worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com for further information.

Especially if you know another language, or are in a non-US country, but can’t participate in the course, please add your name to the World University and School mailing list – worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com.

Minutes constitutive meeting of September 2, 2014 (approved)

Meeting: September 2, 2014, 12-1 pm, Library Administrative Conference Room

In attendance: Chris Simpson (SOC),  Terry Fernandez (OIT), Brian Yates (CAS), Alan Isaac (CAS) – online, Amin Mohseni (Econ/CAS)


Determine CIS membership and preferred meeting day/time
Determine chair/co-chair arrangement, distribute other tasks (e.g. managing our WordPress access and updates, taking and forwarding minutes)
Brainstorming on priorities (see May 2014 minutes for suggestions)



Preferred meeting day/time: Many members who could not attend on short notice at this hour. Based on preferences of those present, no clear meeting time/day emerges. For some, the prior 10-12 Monday meeting time no longer works. Friday may be better. Ideally, CIS should aim to meet before Senate meetings and coordinate its meeting times with those of ATSC.

Determine chair/co-chair arrangement: Those present agree with continuing a co-chair arrangement. A request for additional co-chair(s) will be posted to CIS members. Current co-chairs (Chris, Sonja) are available to continue.

Brainstorming on priorities: Follow-up on past CIS items and requests (photos, access); 2-year budget cycle this year will need to be a priority; LMS; big data policies; MOOCs; allocation system of classrooms/technology