In attendance: Joseph Mortati, Brian Yates, Chris Simpson, Sarah Snyder, Sonja Walti, Amy Taylor, Alayne Mundt, Nancy Davenport, Terry Fernandez
Report from ATSC
Visit by Mike Piller, Senior Director, Academic Technology, and chair of ATSC, oversees BB support center, AV department & classroom technology, library, many of the computer labs
- Upcoming items for SY 2015/16:
- Classroom modernization and standardization plan (4-tier system) – will be funded (to be seen at what level)
- Classroom inventory surveying all classrooms, forming an improvement committee to prioritize classroom renovations (incl. AV)
- Blackboard: challenge – we’re creating disparate student experiences; we need to enhance LMS, multi-media etc. to our in-house (hybrid/online) students; upgrade to BB – no complaints so far; completely new user interface coming up and rolled out at AU; we’re buying bundles of new systems to augment BB experience, including new content management system, new community system; along with it, key hires to enhance this development
- Labs towards thin/zero-client devices, relying on virtual computing infrastructure (starting in Anderson); less space for devices, making standing labs available as classrooms outside the time students use it; discussion of a couple of specific challenges
- How to collaborate between ATSC and CIS: faculty voice on ATSC crucial:
- Using CIS to a greater extent as a clearing house for news, information (using a platform for it)
- Consider including a number of pre-defined joint meetings every semester
- Sharing blogs, are parts thereof, creating joint learning community
Social media: Faculty Senate ad hoc committee (Brian reporting)
- In response to a request from the Faculty Senate, and with input from Chris Simpson, Brian Yates, and many others, the Social Media Committee has developed syllabus language and other guidelines for pedagogic use and misuse of sharing lecture recordings and other course content. Ongoing education of faculty as well as students about potential uses and abuses of social media for distributing educational content is needed.
Constitution of CIS for next SY
- Reiteration of our intention to appoint two out of three co-chairs, leaving one to be appointed in fall, once the SY2015-16 composition of CIS is in place.
- Suggestion: Have a concluding meeting on May 4, including appointment of new chair, approval of remaining minutes, drafting of final report.